Meet Lisa
My Mission
Creating positive horse experiences that will last a lifetime!
Photo Credit: Brie Buhman Photography
Lisa is recognized by the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) as a Markel/APHA Professional Horsemen, Clinician, and Ambassador. She is extremely active in the APHA as a State Director at the national level. She has been Chair and Vice-Chair of the Equine Experiences and Chair of Professional Horsemen’s Advisory Committees and also serves as a member of the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee. Lisa has served on the Youth Advisory Committee and as Director for numerous APHA Regional Clubs! In addition, Lisa has coached riders from primary goals to APHA World and Reserve World Champion levels.
With over four decades of experience, Lisa has developed a time-honored method of coaching and training. Safety, Smiles, learning, and laughter go hand in hand to develop a confident and accomplished rider. Starting with a “Functional Seat” Riders can move into any discipline they choose. Lisa’s system she calls “The Four Basic Cues” helps the rider and horse learn to communicate at a very basic level. This system was featured in the August 2018 issue of the Paint Horse Journal(PHJ) titled: “The Fundamental Four”
. Photo Credit: Rachel Griffin Photography
“Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization we will find the hoofprint of the horse beside it” ~John Moore